This is the warrior’s AF1 weapon relic equipment, and the first stage of the Zodiac Weapon (ZW), “Bravura.”

It’s a typical axe that a warrior who seems to be the main character has in the opening movie.

The axe has a simple design, and its rugged metallic feel is very cool without being dressed up.

I’ve been sharpening by hitting metal ! It feels like.

This axe is a warrior AF1 relic and one of the legendary equipment.

It’s an axe that represents FF14, so I’m deeply moved.

It’s completely a lumberjack if Norirow-san has it.

Uh …

Zodiac weapons evolve from here, but non-shining weapons are cool and easy to use.
So, it was an introduction of the warrior axe “Bravura” with a simple design.
▼ Please check it out in the video !