This is a record of the final form (fourth stage) of the Warrior’s Manderville weapons (MW), “Mandervillous Battleaxe.”

Oh, this is Heat Hawk!

yeah? Heat Hawk? …Is this another Gundam delusion?

Although it is a mechanical axe, it has a simple structure at first glance. The cool thing about it is that it has a part that looks like a revolver.

And it lights up when you set it up!

A honeycomb barrier-like effect wraps around the blade, and a ring of light appears.

This glowing effect alternates between blue and purple.

Totally Heat Hawk!

The ring of light coming out at right angles has a nice impact.

There are also glowing lines in some places.

There is a part that shines all the way to the tip of the handle. This part also alternates between blue and purple.

It’s nice to hear an electronic sound that sounds like the power is being turned on when you set it up♪

Dyeing Patterns
The color of the inner part will change.
Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

I’m happy that it’s the coolest and most Gundam-like axe ever!

Eh, Heat Hawk is a Zaku weapon, not a Gundam weapon, right?

I recorded the glowing effect in a video!
So, this is the record of the final form of the Warrior’s Manderville weapons, “Mandervillous Battleaxe“!

Hehe, I like Zaku♪ (especially the color)