Glamour [Glamour] Vintage steampunk air force style costume with “Replica Sky Pirate’s Cap” that can be worn by all jobs
Mount The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s Mount Perpetual Motion Angel’s Wings “Wings of Eternity”
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) “All Forms” Appearance and Acquisition Method (Evolution Method) Summary
Mount A two-seater mount that you can get from Recruit a friend campaign. “Amber Draught Chocobo” that is big even if Lalafell rides
Warrior Arm A warrior’s glowing axe with beautiful bubbles and feather effects “Endless Expanse Battleaxe”
Reaper Arm The ultimate dark scythe / Reaper weapon that appears with a magic circle “Avatar’s Scythe”
White Mage Arm White Mage’s MW 3rd stage, a pretty wand that looks like glowing ice cream, “Majestic Manderville Wand”
Bard Arm Rainbows, butterflies and bubbles dance. Bard’s Titania weapon that shines in three colors “The Fae’s Crown Longbow”
Samurai Arm Electric Katana that lights up the lamp ・ Alexander –The Burden of the Son (Savage) samurai weapon “Midan Metal Katana”
Bard Arm Bard’s Zodiac Weapon pre-stage, transforming wooden harp “Unfinished Artemis Bow” This is a record of the "Unfinished Artemis Bow," a pre-Zodiac Weapon weapon of the Bard.When on its 2023.08.16 Bard Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Appearance summary for All stages (9 types in total) This is a summary record of all stages of the Paladin's Zodiac Weapon (ZW).Zodiac Weapon is weapon e 2023.04.30 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon final stage Shining legendary sword “Excalibur Zeta & Aegis Shield Zeta” This is the record of the sword "Excalibur Zeta" & shield "Aegis Shield Zeta" which is the final for 2023.04.29 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon 7th Stage Legendary Strongest Sword “Excalibur” & “Aegis Shield” This is a record of the Paladin's Zodiac Weapon 7th Form Sword "Excalibur" & Shield "Aegis Shield".A 2023.04.28 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon 6th stage / Holy radiance “Curtana Nexus & Holy Shield Nexus” This is a record of the 6th form of the Paladin's Zodiac Weapon (ZW), Sword "Curtana Nexus" & Shield 2023.04.25 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon 5th Stage / Golden Shining “Curtana Novus & Holy Shield Novus” This is the record of Paladin's Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 5th Form Sword "Curtana Novus" & Shield "Holy Shi 2023.04.24 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon 4th stage / Glowing in white silver “Curtana Animus & Holy Shield Animus” This is the record of Paladin's Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 4th Form Sword "Curtana Animus" & Shield "Holy Sh 2023.04.21 Paladin Arm
Misc notes How to make Zodiac Weapon (ZW), procedure and necessary materials summary This is a summary record of how the Zodiac Weapon (ZW) evolved.The process of making Zodiac Weapons 2023.04.20 Misc notes
Summoner Arm Summoner’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 2nd Form: Luminous Ancient Document “The Veil of Wiyu Zenith” This is the record of Summoner's Zodiac Weapon Level 2 "The Veil of Wiyu Zenith".When the book is cl 2022.11.29 Summoner Arm
Summoner Arm Summoner’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 1st form Antenna-standing ancient document “The Veil of Wiyu” This is the record of the Summoner's Zodiac Weapon First Form, "The Veil of Wiyu".It looks like a vi 2022.11.24 Summoner Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Third Form “Curtana Atma & Holy Shield Atma” This is a record of the Paladin Zodiac Weapon Tier 3 Sword "Curtana Atma" and Shield "Holy Shield At 2022.11.14 Paladin Arm
Summoner Arm Summoner’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Pre-stage “Unfinished Veil of Wiyu” This is a record of the spellbook "Unfinished Veil of Wiyu" of the previous stage of Summoner's Zodi 2022.11.02 Summoner Arm
White Mage Arm White Mage Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Pre-stage, petrified wood stone cane “Unfinished Thyrus” This is a record of the cane "Unfinished Thyrus", which is the pre-stage of the White Mage Zodiac We 2022.05.19 White Mage Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Second Form, “Curtana & Holy Shield Zenith” with a rainbow-colored aura This is a record of the second stage of Paladin's Zodiac Weapon, the sword "Curtana Zenith" and the 2022.05.11 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) First form, silver shield and light blue sword “Curtana & Holy Shield” This is a record of Paladin's first stage of Zodiac Weapon (AF1 weapon) "Curtana" & "Holy Shield" ca 2022.05.06 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Pre-stage-Beautiful sword like the White Auracite “Unfinished Curtana” This is a record of Paladin's Zodiac Weapon (ZW) pre-stage sword "Unfinished Curtana".In addition, t 2022.05.02 Paladin Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Shining Axe “All Stages” Appearance Summary This is a summary record of all forms of the Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW).Now, I would like to look ba 2022.03.07 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Final Stage-Glowing Ether Blade Devil Axe “Ragnarok Zeta” Today is the record of the final form "Ragnarok Zeta" in the 8th stage of the Warrior Zodiac Weapon 2022.03.01 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Axe with the name of the strongest sword / Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 7th stage “Ragnarok” Today is the record of the weapon "Ragnarok", the seventh form of the warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW).An 2022.02.26 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Arbert’s glowing axe with magic circles, Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 6th stage “Bravura Nexus” Today is the record of the sixth form of the warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) "Bravura Nexus".Just carryin 2022.02.23 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Albert’s glowing axe with a yellow-green aura, Warrior’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 5th Stage “Bravura Novus” This is a record of the Warrior's Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Fifth Form "Bravura Novus".If you just carry it 2022.02.20 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Arbert’s axe that glows pink / Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 4th Stage “Bravura Animus” This is a record of the Warrior's Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Fourth Form "Bravura Animus".If you just carry 2022.02.17 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Arbert’s Axe / Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Third Stage “Bravura Atma” This is a record of the Warrior's Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Third Form "Bravura Atma".In addition, Arbert's 2022.02.13 Warrior Arm
White Mage Arm White Mage Zodiac Weapon (ZW) First Stage-Legendary Relic Cane “Thyrus” This is a record of "Thyrus", the AF1 weapon of the White Mage and the first form of Zodiac Weapon ( 2021.08.10 White Mage Arm
White Mage Arm White Mage Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Second Stage-Glowing Legendary Relic Cane “Thyrus Zenith” This is a record of the White Mage Zodiac Weapon (ZW) second form "Thyrus Zenith".If you just carry 2021.06.23 White Mage Arm
Monk Arm [Zodiac Braves] Shining Kettle Hot Monk Weapon “Kettle Knuckles (Zenith & Nexus)” This is a kind of Zodiac weapon "Kettle" monk fighting weapon "Kettle Knuckles" "Kettle Knuckles Zen 2021.03.25 Monk Arm
Dragoon Arm Dragoon Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Third Stage-Blue Spear “Gae Bolg Atma” This is the third stage of the Dragon Zodiac Weapon (ZW), "Gae Bolg Atma".Certainly, it is perfect f 2021.01.18 Dragoon Arm
Dragoon Arm Dragoon Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Second Stage, Faintly Shining Spear “Gae Bolg Zenith” This is the second stage of the Dragon Zodiac Weapon (ZW), "Gae Bolg Zenith".If you carry it on your 2021.01.12 Dragoon Arm
Dragoon Arm Dragoon Zodiac Weapon (ZW) First Stage-Legendary Relic Spear “Gae Bolg” This is the legendary relic (AF1) weapon "Gae Bolg" in the first stage of the Dragon Zodiac Weapon ( 2021.01.11 Dragoon Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Second Stage-Glowing Relic Axe “Bravura Zenith” This is the second stage of the warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW), "Bravura Zenith"Just carrying it on your 2020.10.06 Warrior Arm