This is the record of Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 4th Form Sword “Curtana Animus” & Shield “Holy Shield Animus“.

Oh my favorite Curtana and Holy Shield glowed!

Wow, my favorite shield!

Normally, it is exactly the same as the previous stage. A white, beautiful large sword and shield.

You started Zodiac Weapon because you wanted to equip it when you saw Noriko-chan had it, right?

Because this shield is the coolest! And I had a lot of momentum and evolved further 💦
It lights up when you hold it!

Oh, what a great light!

This is a fairly bright effect.

It shines in white silver, and more pieces of light are dancing.

It must be a sacred aura.

Shields are also pretty dazzling.

It’s so bright that you can’t look directly at it.

Fufu, when you swing it around, the light dances and shines, making it even more beautiful!

At night, it looks even more beautiful.

Twinkle twinkle♪

I don’t think you can get a sense of the glowing effect from just a photo, so be sure to check it out in the video below!

It was a beautiful white sword and shield, so this effect really suits it!

Zodiac Weapon is hard to progress, but this could be worth it.

▼ I recorded the glowing effect in the video!
So, that’s it for the record of Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon 4th Form “Curtana Animus” & “Holy Shield Animus“!
nice, i want that too! (I don’t want to do the Trials of the Braves)
