This is a record of the umbrella mount “Magicked Parasol” that can be purchased from the FF14 online store.

My brother bought me a cute umbrella mount♪

Ah, Norirow-san started making Resistance Weapons and can’t go home again, so you’re trying to please Noriko-chan again.

Shhh! 💦

When on the ground, it’s a simple pink umbrella.

Slightly tilted when moving.

And when you jump up, flowers, vines, and bubbles dance!

Wow! this is cute ♪

Round and round and the effect is rotating and it is very beautiful.

Does the red flower look like a rose?

If you look closely, you can also see yellow flowers.

Something like a soap bubble is also cute♪

By the way, the umbrella turns inside out when descending.

This is surprising. lol

Is the mage in this commentary Matoya-sama?

And the background music for this mount is cute, which makes me even happier♪

Yeah, I’ve always wanted to fly with an umbrella, so this makes me happy♪

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of the umbrella mount “Magicked Parasol” that can be purchased from the FF14 online store!

See You !
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