This is a record of the legendary beast mount “Unicorn“.

Oh, it’s a real unicorn!

It looks like a donkey if you ride.

Well, it’s a cute mount anyway!

It has a light blue mane and long horns on a pure white body.

The tail is also light blue and cute.

It emits a sparkling firefly-like light all the time.

Oh, it ’s a holy light.

It gives off an aura-like light at her feet during flight.

It is a unicorn with a very beautiful face.

Not long ago, Eorzean unicorns numbered in the thousands, and could oft be seen roaming the Coerthas highlands in great majestic herds that would render the mountains white as snow. Poaching has caused the population to decline, and if it were not for your act of kindness, there would be one fewer.
From the official commentary

It lives in Coerthas.

In addition, this “Unicorn” will become a companion by clearing the side quest “Unicorn Power” that can be received when the Conjurer is set to Lv30. The order for the quest is from Ms. Braya in Old Gridania. (X: 6.3 Y: 11.0).

It’s worth making the Conjurer Lv30 just to make this unicorn a companion!

By the way, the paired black unicorn can rarely be obtained in A Realm Reborn Extreme primals.
Both are cute ♪

So, it was a record of the pure white one-horned beast mount “Unicorn“.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the mount!