This is a record of the Allagan Empire’s spherical robotic mount “Logistics Node“.

Wow, Allag’s talking system!

It’s a different color than the white and black sphere mounts I’ve seen so far.

This is a different color for the PvP rewards “Logistics System“, “Aerodynamics System“, and “Safeguard System“.

I like green so I’m happy!

The way they sit differs depending on their race and gender, but Lalafell boys have a cute way of sitting.

You can see the red light in the middle.

In addition, when this starts running, in the case of Lalafell boys, it will lie down so that it sticks.

What are you doing, Norirow-san…

Because I’m scared 💦

And with a gimmick called “Low Voltage”, the sphere opens and the electricity sizzles.

yeah? Is this a watermelon?

Eh, watermelon! ? 💦

It certainly has a cross section like a watermelon.

I wonder if there was a watermelon in the Allag era too…

One of the automated system drones deployed by the Allagans to oversee logistics in their strongholds. After being unearthed by the Sons of Saint Coinach, the mechanical sphere was off-loaded to the Eorzean Alliance and modified into a personal transportation device.
From the mount official commentary
It’s a drone.

In addition, this “Logistics Node” can be obtained by reaching series level 15 in PvP Season 3.

▼ I recorded the sound effects and electric gimmicks in the video!
So, that’s it for the record of Allag’s watermelon-shaped sphere mount “Logistics Node“.

I wanted to ride this, so I’m happy ♪