Paladin Arm “Shadowkeeper” weapon “Deepshadow Sword & Shield” for Paladin, a dark fantasy that glows red
Paladin Arm A shining paladin weapon with suzaku wings flying around “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Longsword & Shield”
Glamour [Glamour] “Go to the moon with this equipment!” Healer space suit with “Ironworks robe and Sharlayan hat”!
Weapon Collections White Lion’s High Quality Shaman Stick / Blue Mage Lv50 Weapon “The Spirit of the Whalaqee”
Artifact Dancer’s AF5 equipment, ribbon is super cute Opera dancer costume “Etoile” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Misc notes [Looking back on 2024 with SS] Noriko’s various fun memories The final day of 2024 has finally come. So, I thought I'd take a look back at 2024 from Noriko's per 2024.12.31 Misc notes
Misc notes [Crafter Macro 7.15] Custom deliveries for Nitowikwe (without Manipulation) This is a recording of a crafter macro to somehow complete the custom deliveries. <As of patch 7.15> 2024.12.30 Misc notes
Misc notes I got a picture of my mini character drawn! Thank you so much☆彡 ▼▼▼▼Amazingly, osara (@sarah_reon), who is well known for her mini character drawing, has drawn a mi 2024.08.27 Misc notes
Misc notes [Useful Macro] Gamepad Stick Press Setting Macro (Mount Riding & Sprint Auto Movement) This is a recording of a convenient macro for setting stick presses for gamepads (controllers).You c 2024.08.15 Misc notes
Misc notes [Useful macro] Organize belongings (bag) all at once with the “Itemsort Macro” This is a recording of a useful macro that will "sort" your inventory and armory chest all at once.I 2024.08.14 Misc notes
Misc notes [Housing] I made a cute forest house! Country Cottage Wall (S House) This is a record of turning a lavender bed hideaway into a "Country Cottage Wall" (S House).The arch 2024.08.12 Misc notes
Misc notes Summary of efficient leveling methods! Recommended content memo – FF14 This is a record of a summary of efficient leveling methods.For the first jobIf it's your first job, 2024.04.13 Misc notes
Misc notes How to make Manderville weapons (MW), procedure and necessary materials summary This is a summary record of how Manderville Weapon (MW) evolves.This is the simplest weapon enhancem 2024.01.16 Misc notes
Misc notes [New Year’s Eve] Looking back with SS “Norirow and Noriko’s 2023” So today, while watching SS, I would like to take a moment to look back on what happened between the 2023.12.31 Misc notes
Misc notes [Housing] I built a live house! “Live House ‘NOTE'” This is a record of the housing of the "live house" built in the apartment.This is what it looks lik 2023.07.18 Misc notes
Misc notes [Housing] “Steampunk secret basement” in a forest house This is a record of the basement of our forest house (basement of Small house).In addition, today is 2023.06.04 Misc notes
Misc notes Efficient collection of Allagan Tomestones of Poetics! Have you ever noticed that you usually have a surplus of Allagan Tomestone of Poetics, but when you 2023.05.29 Misc notes
Misc notes How never miss a Mob Hunt Train or a rare F.A.T.E. “PT Recruitment”. (How to receive notifications) This is a record of the settings to receive notifications and ensure that you do not miss any PT rec 2023.04.26 Misc notes
Misc notes How to make Eureka Weapon (EW), procedure and necessary materials summary This is a summary record of how the Eureka Weapon (EW) evolves.It may take some time, but it's very 2023.04.23 Misc notes
Misc notes How to make Zodiac Weapon (ZW), procedure and necessary materials summary This is a summary record of how the Zodiac Weapon (ZW) evolved.The process of making Zodiac Weapons 2023.04.20 Misc notes
Misc notes How to make a Resistance Weapon (RW), procedure and necessary materials summary This is a record of the procedure summary for evolving the Resistance Weapon (RW).There are five for 2023.04.18 Misc notes
Misc notes How to make Anima Weapon (AW), procedure and necessary materials summary This is a record of the production and evolution procedure of Anima Weapon (AW).♦♦♦The prerequisite 2023.04.15 Misc notes
Misc notes [Housing] Noriko-chan’s “Forest Atelier and Magical Chemical Storage” (FC House Private Room) This is a record of Noriko trying to create a private room for FC House.To enter Noriko's private ro 2022.05.25 Misc notes
Misc notes [Housing] Ishgard’s house / lodge room and secret “forest” basement (M house) This is a record of the newly built M House (Empyreum) housing.1st floor / Ishgard-style drawing roo 2022.05.08 Misc notes
Misc notes [Adventure record] Memories of “New Game Plus” looking back on the SS frontispiece “Shadowbringers” This is a look back on the record of traveling to the "Shadowbringers" edition in "New Game Plus" wi 2021.11.27 Misc notes
Misc notes [Adventure record] Memories of “New Game Plus” looking back on the SS frontispiece “Stormblood” This is a review of the record of traveling to “Stormblood” in “New Game +” with “the SS frontispiec 2021.10.18 Misc notes
Misc notes [Adventure record] Memories of “New Game Plus” looking back on the SS frontispiece “Heavensward” This is a review of the record of traveling to "Heavensward" in "New Game +" with "the SS frontispie 2021.09.23 Misc notes
Misc notes [Adventure record] Memories of “New Game Plus” looking back on the SS frontispiece “A Realm Reborn” This is a SS frontispiece that looks back on the record of adventures in "New Game Plus".※cautionSin 2021.08.23 Misc notes
Misc notes [Housing] A hideaway in the forest and a secret basement that I longed for a little steampunk I changed the housing a little, so I will record it.Our hideaway is a small house on a lavender bed. 2021.06.27 Misc notes
Misc notes [Housing] S Size House “Small Forge’s Walls”, a cute blacksmith’s house full of steam This is the new exterior Forge series S size house "Small Forge's Walls" that appeared in patch 5.5. 2021.04.18 Misc notes
Misc notes The remaining usage of “Allagan Tomestone of Poetics” & “Company Seals”: For AW & ZW & MW to do someday… This is the recommended use of "Allagan Tomestone of Poetics" & "Company Seals."Anima Weapon (AW)Fir 2020.08.30 Misc notes
Misc notes [Housing] I want to make a house that makes me want to return I wanted to make a house that makes me want to come back.A place where I can feel at ease and relax. 2020.06.13 Misc notes
Misc notes [Housing] A hideaway of a machinist who longs for steampunk The basement of my house is like this.I'm a Machinist,Therefore, steam and gears will inevitably inc 2020.06.13 Misc notes
Misc notes Hello Eorzea !! By the way, I remember that I used to be a writer.So I'll spell a story about my favorite world of E 2020.06.12 Misc notes