This is the record of the red mage’s rapier “Lunar Envoy’s Smallsword“.

Wow, I got a very stylish rapier!

All the Lunar Envoy series are good.

When it’s at your waist, the sword is a simple straight, and the floating crystal is a crescent-shaped black stone…

When held up, the sword reveals a gold crescent, while the floating crystal crescent glows white.

These two crescent moon crystals are cute, aren’t they?

The sword has a gorgeous design with a sense of luxury.

Blue and white crystals are used for the crescent-shaped ornament that appears.

The blue crystals are strung together and very stylish.

The blue light gives it a refreshing contrast, and it’s beautiful.

By the way, what does “Lunar Envoy” mean?

Doesn’t it mean “the messenger of the moon”?

Wow! “The messenger of the moon” is cool!

In addition, this “Lunar Envoy’s Smallsword” can be obtained by exchanging Allagan tomestones in Radz-at-Han.

“The messenger of the moon”, huh, there’s something deeply moving about it.

I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of the red mage weapon “Lunar Envoy’s Smallsword” with its characteristic blue crescent moon!

This is a very nice treasure♪