This is a record of Noriko’s favorite dancer glamour.

Ta-da! It’s the Tuliyollal dancer ♪

Fufu, you arranged the Dancer’s AF6 gear.

This time’s coordination
- 【Head】Horos Headdress
- 【Body】Moonward Vest of Aiming
- 【Hands】Horos Wrist Torques
- 【Legs】Horos Bottoms
- 【Fee】Horos Dress Boots
- 【Ear】Azeyma’s Earrings
- 【Weapon】Edenmorn Chakrams
This is Dancer’s AF6 gear, but with a different body.
In this example, the sub-parts of the head and the weapon are dyed honey yellow, and the body is dyed ruby red.

This ribbon is really cute. If you change the color, the impression changes too♪

For body gear, I brought Moonward equipment, which is characterized by its long muffler.

I’ve always wanted to try wearing this long scarf outfit♪

The accessories around the waist are also cute.

The rings are also a set and are very stylish.

I think this velvet material under the feet is really lovely!

The weapon is a rose throwing weapon called the “Edenmorn Chakrams” that has been dyed honey yellow to match the accent.

Fufu, the Tuliyollal dancer is finished♪

I think it’s more Radz-at-Han than Tuliyollal though.

Namingway-chan? Don’t worry about the small details♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes Noriko’s record of her favorite dancer glamour!

Lately, I’ve been having a lot of fun being a dancer♪