This is a record of Noriko’s favorite Reaper glamour.

Ta-da! It’s the Crows’ secret squad♪

What is this Crow secret squad…

Coordinates this time
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Muzhik Coat
- 【Hands】Muzhik Field Dressing
- 【Legs】Collegiate Skirt
- 【Feet】Muzhik Boots
- 【Weapon】Deepgold War Scythe
This glamour is a slight variation of Reaper’s initial gear.
Here the head and legs are stained soot black.

This armor design is really excellent!

The frayed fabric gives it a really nice look.

Also, the detail in the worn fabric and cracked leather is really cool!

The legs are knee-length, giving a slightly more energetic look.

The initial gear, the scythe “Deepgold War Scythe“, is already a complete design despite being initial gear.

Hehehe, “The Girl from the Crows’ Secret Squad” is complete!

Noriko-chan doesn’t seem capable of secret operations, so the mission will probably fail.

It’s true that Noriko-chan is full of energy, so she probably can’t act quietly…

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)garoon! Well, at least the appearance…right?

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes Noriko’s record of her favorite Reaper glamour, “The girl from the Crow’s Secret Squad”!

Reaper is becoming so much fun♪