This is the phantom sea dragon mount “Syldra” that appears in FF5.

It is a sea dragon that dances elegantly with beautiful colors.

The movement is a little cute.

Check out the video below to see how it works.

The face looks like a phantom beast and feels a little scary, but it looks kind to me.

The color is based on purple and has gold scales (decoration?) On the back.

The movement is always floating.

When she flies, she feels a little stretched.

The feathers on the limbs are cute.

Legends say there once lived a kindly sea dragon who befriended a pirate, and that their friendship knew no bounds. This is not that sea dragon; however, with a little time and caring, who is to say that a similar relationship cannot be forged? ※Sea dragons have no relation to actual dragons. (From official settings)

Faris’s dear friend … It’s a very nice mount for those who like FF5.

In addition, this “Syldra” is a privilege that comes with the collector’s edition of Stormblood. If you already have the Stormblood edition, you can get it by doing a digital upgrade at the Mog Station.

I think she is a very beautiful phantom beast.

So, it was a record of the special mount “Syldra” of Stormblood Collector’s Edition.
▼ Please check the movement in the video !
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