This is a record of Viper’s dual-wielding weapon, “Quetzalli Twinfangs.”

Ta-da! I got a really beautiful sword♪

It’s certainly a gorgeous silver crafted sword.

Though it has a simple shape, it is a dual-wielding sword with a silver base and distinctive Rasta-colored feathers.

This decoration is really beautiful!

The green jewel in the center of the red, yellow and green feather ornament glows and blinks slowly.

If you get closer you can see that it is truly beautifully decorated.

The blade is also sharpened and looks quite strong.

It’s gorgeously decorated, but I like the fact that it also seems practical as a sword.

Yes, a sword of this size is easier to handle and feels just right!

Furthermore, this “Quetzalli Twinfangs” can be obtained in Solution Nine by exchanging Allagan Tomestone Heliometry and other items.

It looks like it will be easy to match with a variety of outfits, so it will come in handy♪

I recorded the gemstones shining on video!
So that concludes our record of Viper’s dual-wielding weapon, the Quetzalli Twinfangs!

See you soon!