This is a record of Viper’s dual-wielding weapon, the “Augmented Zwill Crossblades.”

Wow, I got a cool sword!

A bit of a Radz-at-Han style design?

This is a dual-wielding weapon with a striking default red color.

The crescent moon design here and there is a distinctive feature.

The red crescent moon seems to have some kind of significance.

The sword is decorated all the way to the tip, making it more of a work of art than a practical item.

Could this be a treasure passed down in the royal palace of Radz-at-Han?

By the way, the name “Zwill Crossblades” has appeared many times in previous FF games. It’s rumored that it’s a name derived from Solingen, Germany, a famous cutlery producing region.

Wow, so it may be a very noble sword!

Dyeing Patterns
The colors change completely, so you can enjoy coordinating them in a variety of ways.
Snow White

Soot Black

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

The Augmented Zwill Crossblades can be obtained in Radz-at-Han or Old Sharlayan in exchange for Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.

I’m happy that the design seems to go well with any outfit♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes our record of Viper’s dual-wielding weapon, the “Augmented Zwill Crossblades“!

It’s kind of emotional that the weapons are named after previous FF games.