This is a record of Sera’s bow “Starseeker” from FF13.

Ta-da! It’s Sera-chan’s bow♪

Oh, it’s a slightly sporty-looking bow.

It’s a type of bow that doesn’t change much even when held, which is rare these days.

Also, the most valuable point is that there is no quiver!

I didn’t know there were bows without quivers.

The structure is quite complex and has a cute purple and pink color scheme.

The shape of the arrow is kind of cool.

This is a bowgun with a sturdy handle.

This “Starseeker” is a paid weapon that can be purchased at the FF14 online store. It’s great that you can equip it from Lv13, so you can use it from the beginning.

Sera-chan is cute so this makes me happy♪

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is the record of FF13 Sera’s bow “Starseeker“!

See You!