This is a record of the Dark Knight’s two-handed sword, the Vanguard Greatsword, which can be obtained in Vanguard (97ID).

Wow, I got a super cool sword!

That sounds like the kind of robotic weapon you’d like: ……

The white base is decorated with red and purple colors, giving it a vivid coloring that is reminiscent of robot anime.

The blade is flat and of uniform thickness.

When you hold it, part of it will light up orange and you will hear an electronic sound as if it is turning on.

Oh wow, this is a Heat Hawk-like structure after all.

The handle is also angular.

The blade is decorated with linear lines.

When viewed from the side, you can see that it is flat.

A sword this straight and of uniform width and thickness may actually be quite rare.

I especially think this lettering in the middle is cool!

You’re probably daydreaming about Gundam or something again…

Hehe, the white base makes it look a bit like Gundam, but the purple makes it look a bit like Evangelion.

I recorded the electronic sound and the light on video!
So that concludes this record of the Dark Knight weapon, the Vanguard Greatsword, that can be obtained in Vanguard!

This is a nice treasure!