This is a record of the samurai katana “Vanguard Samurai Blade” available in Vanguard (97ID).

Ta-da! I got another weapon that I think you’ll like♪

Wow! This also looks like a mobile suit weapon!

It’s a very futuristic sword design.

The angular shape of the sheath is a distinctive feature, and the purple electron beam is a nice accent.

When you unsheathe the sword, the blade glows orange along with an electronic start-up sound.

Wow! A beam sabre! So cool!

Does the blade feel hot?

The construction around the tsuba is intricate and very cool.

If you look closely, you can see that the red part of the sheath also glows as if it were electrically charged.

Wow, isn’t this just too cool!?

Fufu, as expected, my brother is excited and it’s funny lol

Maybe I should practice being a samurai…

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes this record of the Samurai weapon, the Vanguard Samurai Blade, that can be obtained in Vanguard!

Fufu, see you soon!