This is a record of Sage’s AF5 (Lv89) weapon “Hagneia“.

Wow, this is Nouliths impressed with the Endwalker trailer!

It’s a very beautiful design.

It belongs to a relatively large category among the existing Nouliths, and it is quite an impact if you carry it on your back.

The emblem and the ring with the letters on the top of this Nouliths create a very sacred atmosphere.

The lower part looks almost black when you carry it on your back, but …

It glows blue when you hold it!

This is very refreshing and beautiful!

If you look closely, the design from the side is also very elaborate.

It’s like Eva’s Angel.

Eh, an angel! ?? 💦

In addition, this “Hagneia” should be available somewhere if you proceed with the story of Endwalker.

Also, if you clear the role quest of the healer in the Endwalker edition, you will be able to dye.
Dyeing pattern
Only the tip is dyed.
Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

It ’s nice that it shines faintly even if it is dyed.

I saw Endwalker’s opening trailer again, but Alphinaud’s Nouliths is kind of black, isn’t it?

Is it painted in black?

So, it was a record of Sage’s AF5 weapon “Hagneia“.
▼ Check out the video to see the actual movement of Nouliths!