This is a record of the Sage’s Nouliths “Skydeep Milpreves” that can be obtained at The Skydeep Cenote (95ID).

Wow, I got some kind of mysterious Nouliths!

Oh, is this a different color of the sage’s first weapon?

That’s right, it looks like a different color of “Stonegold Milpreves” and “Horkos.”

Unlike the first weapon, this “Skydeep Milpreves” has an overall black and chic look.

When you hold it, the crystal part glows purple.

Wow, it feels so bewitching and mysterious♪

The combination of the black casing, gold decoration, and purple crystals is quite mystical.

The crystals are quite large and make a big impact.

Maybe something this big would be easier to handle.

Norirow-san, you haven’t been doing the Sage thing much lately, so you must have forgotten how to do it.

Ugh, there’s no denying that💦
Dyeing Patterns
The colour can be changed quite freely so it can be easily matched with a variety of outfits.
Snow White

Snow Whtie x Snow White

Snow White x Celeste Green

Dalamud Red x Snow White

Dalamud Red x Dalamud Red

Dalamud Red x Hone Yellow

Okay, okay, I’m going to try practicing sage for the first time in a while!💦

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes this record of the Sage Weapon “Skydeep Milpreves” that can be obtained at the ruins of The Skydeep Cenote!

This looks like Soul Siphon, right?