This is the record of the sage Nouriths “Bluespirit Wings“.

I just got some beautiful Nouriths!

Is it made of crystal?

Nouriths emits a beautiful blue light, and it’s nice to see them sparkle even when you’re carrying them on your back.

There is a gold pedestal on the top, giving it a luxurious feel. The red pattern is one point.

The crystal part is beautifully cut and all four are exactly the same.

Beautiful even when set up!

It’s kind of like a crystal tower.

Well, it’s a crystal…

And it’s nice to be able to get this easily even though it’s so beautiful.

This “Bluespirit Wings” is a crafted weapon, so it can be purchased on the market board. By the way, they are also sold at Crystarium stores.

The fact that it’s sold at Crystarium means that maybe it’s made by carving a crystal tower…

If everyone starts using this series a lot, the Crystal Tower may disappear.

eh! That’s no good 💦 Let’s limit the availability so that each person can only get one!

Even one by one can be dangerous. How many adventurers do you think there are?

Video recording

Ugh 💦 I see…… let’s all use resources carefully!
So, it was a record of the crystal sage weapon “Bluespirit Wings“.