This is a record of the final form (fourth stage) of the Astrologian’s Manderville weapons (MW), “Mandervillous Torquetum.”

Okay, I’ve slept a lot, so I’ll do my best to make the rest of the MW!

You were forced to sleep by Noriko-chan…

This time’s celestial globe is mechanically constructed, but at first glance it looks like an austere design.

The card holder also has a dark color.

However, when you hold it up, it unfolds and shines brightly!

Oh, the three rings of light are mysterious!

And this glowing effect alternates between blue and purple.

A sphere of light appears in the center.

Furthermore, a honeycomb-like barrier-like effect wraps the entire area.

By the way, this reminds me of a space fortress.

yeah? Space fortress?

What, you don’t know? Like A BAOA QU.

Are you fantasizing about Gundam again?

Dyeing Patterns
The overall color changes, so the image changes quite a bit.
Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

I believe this is the ultimate weapon!

I recorded the glowing effect in a video!
So, this is the record of the final form of the Astrologian’s Manderville weapons, “Mandervillous Torquetum“!

By the way, the name A BAOA QU comes from the name of the “mythical beast that lives on the stairs of the Tower of Victory,” which has the most beautiful view in the world!