This is a record from the Skydeep Codex, a scholar’s grimoire available at The Skydeep Cenote (95ID).

Ta-da! I got a slightly mysterious book♪

Wow, this book looks like some kind of relic from an ancient ruin.

A grimoire decorated with patterns resembling the murals found in ruins.

It’s quite angular and has a solid weight to it.

When you open the book, parts of it glow purple.

It also blinks slowly, as if breathing.

See? It’s kind of mysterious, isn’t it?

The magic crest written inside is also cool.

It’s a bit large, so it’s quite an impressive book.

Dyeing Patterns
It’s a little hard to see, but there is a slight color change.
Snow White

Dalamud Red

Millioncorn Yellow

Turquoise Green

Lavender Purple

This must be made by Electrope.

Oh, then it must have some incredible power hidden within it♪

I recorded the purple flashing on video!
So that concludes this record of the scholar weapon, the Skydeep Codex, that can be obtained at The Skydeep Cenote!

See you soon!