This is a record of Noriko’s favorite Red Mage glamour.

Well, I’ve recently started working hard on Red Mage♪

Fufu, you’ve arranged the Red Mage’s starting equipment.

Coordinates this time
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Red Bliaud
- 【Hands】Dirndl’s Wrist Torque
- 【Legs】Pagos Culottes
- 【Feet】Tonberry Boots
- 【Ear】Menphina’s Earring
- 【Weapon】Endless Expanse Rapier
The Head is dyed Wine Red x Snow White, the Legs Pure White, and the Feet Dalamud Red x Snow White.

This Bliaud has a pure white inner layer, which I think is really neat and cute♪

The accessories are also elegantly designed.

It’s also nice that it’s fluffy around the waist.

There is also elegant embroidery on the back.

The feet are arranged to give a slightly more energetic look.

I really like this outfit, so I’ll have to do my best as a Red Mage!

That’s amazing, but I’m not good at magic so I can’t do it at all💦

(I’m not very good at magic either 💦) But with such a neat and cute outfit, I can do my best♪

(Though rather than being neat, she seems a bit tomboyish…)

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes my record of the Red Mage AF1 arrangement “Pure and tomboyish rapier wielder” outfit!

Hmm? Did you say something, Namingway-chan?