This is a record of Noriko’s favorite white mage Glamour.

I got some really cute clothes.

Oh, it’s a PvP outfit.

Coordination for this time
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Swansgrace Coat
- 【Hands】Swansgrace Armguards
- 【Legs】Lalafellin Bloomers
- 【Feet】Swansgrace Boots
- 【Weapon】The Fae’s Crown Cane
The Swan series is gear for white mages that can be obtained from Wolf Mark in PvP. The head gear is dyed in turquoise green, and the rest is dyed in celeste green.

The head equipment is the usual “Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon“

This ribbon looks great with anything!

And the body equipment is a warm coat that combines cuteness and beauty.

The shoulder part is slightly open and it looks a little mature.

The hand equipment is stylish with accessories like armor only on the right side.

And most of all, the three-dimensional effect on the hem is quite impressive!

This is a great design!

Considering the name, is this a swan motif?

How nice! Swan is cute!

As a weapon, I have Titania’s glowing cane “The Fae’s Crown Cane“.

Hehe, I take great care of the cane that Norirow-bro made for me ♪

Fufu, this is cute, isn’t it? I think it suits Noriko-chan very well.

This weapon and this costume are cute when Noriko-chan wears them, but they definitely don’t suit Norirow-san.

Ugh, I can’t deny it… 💦

Fufu, it’s okay, if Norirow-bro gets some cute equipment, I’ll take it all ♪

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that concludes the record of Noriko’s favorite white mage Glamour.

See You!