This is a record of Noriko’s favorite tank glamour.

Ta-da! It’s the knight of Tuliyollal♪

Fufu, you’ve arranged the Quetzalli gear.

This time’s coordination
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Quetzalli Mail of Fending
- 【Hands】Gleaner’s Work Gloves
- 【Legs】True Linen Skirt of Fending
- 【Feet】Deepgold Sollerets of Fending
- 【Sword】Galatyn Anemos
The head is dyed Rust Red, the hands Dalamud Red, and the legs Morbol Green.
Although I’m wearing a Paladin’s sword here, this glamour can be worn by any tank job.

Ever since I first saw this armor, I’ve always wanted to try it on.

It features vibrant colours based on green, reminiscent of the Hanu tribe.

The polished metal shines and looks really cool!

There are lots of belt decorations and it’s very stylish.

The metal armor underneath the cloth seems to provide quite a bit of protection.

I added a skirt to make the outfit look a little more elegant.

The hem is also bright, making it look like a bird.

She wields the Paladin’s Eureka weapon, Galatyn Anemos.

I think this outfit looks amazing from both the front and the back♪

It’s full of the kind of green you like…

Hehe, it reminds me of a Tuliyollal knight, I love it ♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes my record of the tank glamour, “Knight of Tuliyollal”!

See you soon!