This is a record of the legendary dragon mount “Twintania“.

Oh, it’s Twintania!

It’s a big dragon (a little scary).

It’s a very huge mount, and it’s big enough to make it less noticeable with Lalafell.

I’m riding a little on the back of the dragon.

The face is pretty scary …

The neck restraint seems to be called “Neurolink”. This is spinning around all the time.

Bound to eternal thralldom via an Allagan neurolink, this ancient wyvern from the southern continent of Meracydia will remain a loyal servant as long as you possess its identification key.
From the official mount commentary

It’s a fairly large mount, so the walking experience is very slow.

When it jumps up, it spreads its wings wide and flies gracefully.

Wow, this is cool!

And how, with an action gimmick, it makes a round and round dive called “air combat maneuvers”.

I think it’s hard to see the restraints spinning around and the state of this dive in the photos, so please check it out in the video below.

I’m surprised that you didn’t fall even though it was spinning around like this.

I’m holding it firmly 💦

In addition, this mount “Twintania” will become a friend if you collect 15 Gold Chocobo Feather in the Recruit a Friend campaign.
You just have to bring three of your friends to Eorzea.

▼ Check here for details!

By the way, when I hear Twintania, I remember “FINAL FANTASY XIV Daddy of Light”.

That’s right, so I feel like I’m the strongest enemy and I’m scared …

Well, that’s right, but I’m very impressed and I’m very happy to be a friend!

So, it was a record of the mount “Twintania“, which is a reward for Recruit a Friends Campaign.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of Twintania!