This is a record of Noriko’s favorite, easy-going glamour that can be worn for all jobs.

Hehe, I bought a casual jacket♪

Fufu, it’s rare to see you dressed so casually.

Coordinates this time
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Bod】Casual Jacket
- 【Hands】Far Eastern Maiden’s Armband
- 【Legs】Peacelover’s Pantaloons
- 【Feet】Tonberry Boots
- 【Ear】Menphina’s Earring
This is a convenient glamour that can be worn for all jobs.
In this example, the body is dyed Lavender Purple, the legs Woad Blue, and the feet Ruby Red and Snow White.

I thought this kind of casual look wouldn’t suit me, but when I tried it on I thought it was cute and just had to buy it♪

Noriko-chan and Norirow-san mostly only wear adventure clothes.

The sleeveless layered top and hoodie draped over the shoulders are very stylish, and the red leather bag is also lovely.

The elbow pads are a nice accent. I wore a red bracelet on my hand to match the color of the bag.

The silhouette of the hoodie is very pretty, and the stitching adds a cute touch.

For my feet, I paired casual jeans with red round shoes.

My easy jeans outfit is complete♪

Fufu, I think it suits you very well and is very cute.

Ehehe, thanks! But I’m not sure where to go in such a casual outfit…

Well, next time, why don’t we wear it and go to the last stand together?

Eh! You sure? I promise! It’s a promise! Yay♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes my record of a casual jacket and easy-going everyday jeans outfit!

My brother hardly ever comes home, so it’s really rare for us to go out together♪