This is the “Edenmete Necklace” series of necklaces with a design that was unlikely until now.

This is cute !

It’s unusual to have a necklace with such a volumey design.

Edenmete Necklace
All jobs are available.
- 【TANK】Edenmete Necklace of Fending
- 【HEALER】Edenmete Necklace of Healing
- 【Melee DPS】Edenmete Necklace of Slaying
- 【Physical Ranged DPS】Edenmete Necklace of Aiming
- 【Magical Ranged DPS】Edenmete Necklace of Casting
For example, even clothes with such an open neck …

Equipped with this “Edenmete Necklace” will change the atmosphere like this.

What I’m wearing here is …
- 【Body】Hraesvelgr Jacket
- 【Hands】Hraesvelgr Gloves
- 【Legs】Hraesvelgr Trousers
- 【Feet】Hraesvelgr Boots

I didn’t like clothes with open chests because they tend to be wild, but if you wear this necklace, the atmosphere will change dramatically, so the range of coordination will expand !

There is a rose pattern on the lower left.

I like the slightly asymmetrical part.

This “Edenmete Necklace” series can be exchanged for the “Bangle of Lost Antiquity” that can be obtained when clearing Eden’s Promise.

I was waiting for this kind of thing ! I’m very happy !
So, it was a record of the very cute necklace “Edenmete Necklace”.
▼ It may not make much sense, but I recorded it in the video, so please check the movement of the fabric in the video !
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