This is a record of the mount ‘Moon-hopper‘ obtained from the Loporrits quest.

Yay! I got another robot mount!

This is another one that Norirow-san likes…

A Loporrits supporter (work robot?) type mount with long rabbit-like ears.

How cute is this face?

Lalafell stands with both feet on this small step.

In Norirow-san’s case, this is definitely a pattern of slipping and falling.

I’ll do my best 💦 my legs are stiff
This enhanced version of the supporter was lovingly created by the ever-innovative Inventingway. Not satisfied with merely making it ridable, the Loporrit also fitted a compact speaker that can belt out Dreamingway’s feel-good sounds.
From the mount official commentary
I see, below is the speaker.

And surprisingly, it transforms when it flies!

Yay! It’s a transforming mount!

The part that used to be the rabbit’s ear became the propeller, and the part that used to be the speaker became the chair.

Awesome Loporrits technology!

The part that was the hand became the propeller behind.

There is also a part that seems to be a handle properly.

The metal feeling that has been used as a whole has a classic feel and a good taste.

What’s more, it comes with a dancing gimmick “Hop Step!”

Oh, this is exciting!

Loporrits is kind of interesting.

In addition, this “Moon-hopper” can be exchanged by raising the Loporrits quest rank to the maximum rank.

▼ I recorded the dancing gimmick and how it transforms in a video!
So, that’s it for the record of Loporrits’s transforming robot mount “Moon-hopper“!

yeah? You’re talking like it’s someone else’s problem, but isn’t Namingway also a member of the Loporrits…?