This is a record of Unreal’s mount “Incitatus.”

Look! A very cute horse has joined us♪

A horse… maybe a unicorn?

It is a horse with a white body, a cream soda colored mane, and a unicorn horn.

The tail also shines a cream soda color and is very beautiful.

In addition, sparkling petal-like things are dancing in the air.

The way she runs is brave and powerful.

It’s so pretty and cute! I love green, so I’m happy♪

Surely that’s the Queen Eternal color you’d like…?

Incidentally, “Incitatus” is the same name as the beloved horse of Caligula, the third Roman emperor around the 1st century AD.

I see, this is a horse with a very noble pedigree♪

Well, it looks like a horse blessed by Rowena…

You can get “Incitatus” by exchanging 600 “Faux Leaf” from Unreal. It is also tradable, so you can purchase it on the market board.

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes the record of the cream soda-colored unicorn mount, “Incitatus“!

There are about three types of unicorn horses, right?