This is a record of the Adamantoise mount available in the Gold Saucer.

I remembered from yesterday and brought along the Gold Saucer turtle.
Wow, the non-robot turtles are cute too!

Cute… or is it…?

It’s a pretty big turtle, with moss growing on its shell.

He has some kind of crest on his head, limbs, etc.

That’s a pretty strong jaw.

The moss on the shell creates a nice atmosphere.

The legs are also sturdy and strong.

There is a carpet on the back, probably made of Thavnair.

Fufu, there’s a carpet so it’s comfortable to sit on ♪

It feels heavy when moving, but it can move quite fast.

And this turtle was able to fly thanks to some Black Magic.

Flying with Black Magic… I have a bad feeling about this…
When flying, it retracts its head and legs and spins at high speed while spitting flames!

Aaaahhh! I’m dizzy!

Oh my, what on earth are you two siblings doing every day…

Adamantoise can be acquired at the Gold Saucer for 200,000 MGP.

This turtle gets dizzy when it flies, but it’s a very cute turtle that moves around by walking💦

I recorded the high speed rotation on video!
So that concludes this record of the high-speed spinning flying turtle mount, “Adamantus”!So that concludes this record of the high-speed spinning flying turtle mount, “Adamantoise“!

I never thought a robot version of this turtle would appear!