Here is a summary of the appearance of the Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) “All Stages”.
The process of total evolution is …
Antiquated Outsider → 【Anemos】Outsider → Outsider +1 → Outsider +2 → Outsider Anemos→ 【Pagos】Outsider Pagos → Outsider Pagos +1 → Elemental Handgonne → 【Pyros】Elemental Handgonne +1 → Elemental Handgonne +2 → Pyros Handgonne → 【Hydatos】Hydatos Handgonne → Hydatos Handgonne +1 → Mollfrith → Mollfrith Eureka → Mollfrith Physeos
There are many.

It looks a lot, but it will evolve one after another, so it shouldn’t be too painful !
① Outsider
The first form “Outsider.” The appearance is the same as the AF3 weapon “Antiquated Outsider,” and it is a gun that is in the process of evolving in the Eureka Anemos edition.

It’s a classic machine gun-like gun and it’s cool.

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② Outsider Anemos
The second form “Outsider Anemos.” A version with a glowing effect on the first form of “Outsider”. This is the final form of Eureka Anemos.

The design of the gun is army, but the effect is very beautiful !
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③ Elemental Handgonne
The third stage “Elemental Handgonne.” An analog-style machine gun with a completely different design and wooden decorations. This is the final form of the Eureka Pagos edition.

It’s a bit like a water gun.

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④ Pyros Handgonne
Fourth form “Pyros Handgonne.” A version of the third form of “Elemental Hand Gonne” with effects. This is the final form of Eureka Pyros.

A blue flame wraps around the gun.
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⑤ Mollfrith
Fifth form “Mollfrith.” The design changes drastically here. It is a gun in the process of evolution of Eureka Hydatos.

It’s getting smaller and smaller.

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⑥ Mollfrith Eureka
Eureka Weapon of a Machinist “Mollfrith Eureka” is the final form. It is a gun that can be obtained in the process of evolution in theEureka Hydatos.

The blue and green effects alternate and it’s beautiful.
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So, the above is a summary of the appearance of the Machinist Eureka Weapon “All Stages”.
EW is easier to proceed than AW and ZW, and Eureka’s field is full of nature and beautiful, so I recommend it !

▼ Video summary of all stages