This is a record of Suzaku’s shining ninja twin sword “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Kunai“.

Wow, Suzaku’s weapon!

Suzaku-san is the motif and it’s kind of cute.

There is a flame decoration at the tip of the handle.

The blade is decorated with Suzaku’s face and wings.

And when you hold it, it glows!

Moreover, the flames and wings are scattered.

Oh, this is very beautiful!

It’s also fashionable that the whirlpool of flames goes around the blade.

This is an effect that you won’t get tired of watching for a long time ♪

It’s also nice to see the wings floating upwards.

I don’t think the effect can be seen in the photos alone, so please check it out in the video below!

In addition, this “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Kunai” is a crafter-made weapon, so it can be purchased on the market board.

This is a cool weapon.

Yeah, I got a good treasure ♪

Video recording
I recorded the video of the flames and wings fluttering and shining!
So, it was a record of Suzaku’s shining ninja weapon “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Kunai“.