This is a record of the bard’s AF4 (Lv80) weapon “Fail-Not“.

Wow! This is also a very cute bow!

It’s a bow like Christmas.

Yeah? Christmas? Because it’s green and red?
The ribbon and feather decoration on the top of the bow are cute.

The lower part is like a bagpipe.

And above all, the ornamental part with this red jewel moves like a metronome when you hold the bow. Very cute!

Please check this moving part in the video below!

Also, it is a very cute point that birds are drawn everywhere on the bow.

The quiver is also nice with wood grain.

The arrow feather part has an orthodox design at first glance, but …

If you look closely, it looks like a funnel.

A bird is also drawn at the bottom.

Wow, it’s a really cute bow, I really like this!

By the way, “Fail-Not” seems to mean “a bow that always hits”.

Oh, it’s such a cute but strong name!

In addition, this “Fail-Not” can be obtained at the atelier of Tempest’s Workbench if you proceed with the story of the Shadowbringers.

So, it was a record of the bard’s AF4 weapon “Fail-Not“.
▼ Check out the video to see how it works like a metronome!