This is a fashionable weapon of the bard, “Ebony Longbow” that shines in light blue.

I really like this bow because it’s memorable.
When you carry it on your back, the purple feathers stand out and it looks very fashionable.

The shape of the bow is also a little distinctive and fashionable.

It glows light blue when you hold it.

Since “Allagan Catalyst” is required for the material, it still shines like Allagan.

You will hear a “keen” sound effect when you hold it. Check out the video below for sound effects!

Also, the point is that the red “Ruby” is embedded in the center.

It’s also cute that the chain is hanging.

The arrow on the back also has purple feathers and is very beautiful.

By the way, as the name suggests, it is made of “Ebony Lumber“. It seems that ebony is often used for stringed instruments, as expected, a bard.

In addition, this “Ebony Longbow” can be equipped from Lv50. And since you can buy it on the market board with crafter-made weapons, it is a fashionable bow that you can get relatively easily.

When it reaches Lv50, I am surprised that I can suddenly equip such a fashionable weapon. It may be a good gift.

I’m also a memorable bow that I’ve given to someone special.

So, it was a record of the shiny purple fashionable bow “Ebony Longbow“.
▼ Check out the video for glowing effects and sound effects!