This is a record of all types of Samurai’s Manderville Weapon (MW)!

Oh, this is a series where you can become a cool samurai♪
The third and fourth ones in particular had unusual designs.

So without further ado, here’s a summary of Samurai’s Manderville Weapons!
First stage: Manderville
The first form, “Manderville Samurai Blade“, is an orthodox Japanese-style katana!

It’s cute that there are some patterns on the handle♪
Click here for detailed records!
There’s a golden shachihoko at the end of the scabbard, right?

Second stage: Amazing
The second form, “Amazing Manderville Samurai Blade“, has the same design as the first form, but with the addition of a color-changing and glowing effect!

Wow, the effects are flashy and look strong!
Click here for detailed records!
The white sheath is also nice and refreshing.

Third stage: Majestic
The third form, “Majestic Manderville Samurai Blade“, has a different design and evolves into a glowing sword with a kodachi tied to its sheath!

Wow, dual wielding! cool!
Click here for detailed records!
I feel like the dual wielding is a little different.

Final stage: Mandervillous
The final form of the “Mandervillous Samurai Blade” has a completely different design and evolves into a mechanical, glowing sword!

It looks like a robot anime and is cool!
Click here for detailed records!
It’s a katana with an unusual design that doesn’t look like a samurai.

Video recording
I recorded the glowing effect in a video!

The third one was really impressive!
Norirow-san likes dual wielding.

So, this is a summary of all types of Samurai’s Manderville weapons!