This is a chocobo armor “Queen’s Guard Barding” that imitates a legendary queen’s personal guard and looks like a mechanical engineer.

It’s a classic tin robot-like chocobo armor like never before.

Chocobo armor with long thorns on the front and back.

It seems to be strong if you hit the body.

The helmet is designed like a tin robot soldier.

The torso equipment isn’t that tightly covered, but it looks pretty strong.

Is it an assault soldier?

Unlike the front design, the back of the torso equipment has a cute flutter.

The armor imitates a queen, so I wonder if it looks like a “queen”.
And there are 4 exhaust pipes in the upper rear part!

I wonder if the engine is also loaded.

The leg equipment also has gears.

It looks pretty strong, and it has a cute classic tin plate.

When he jumps up, he flutters again and is cute.

This chocobo armor “Queen’s Guard Barding” can rarely be obtained at Bozjan’s “Delubrum Reginae“. You can also buy and sell it on the market board.

It seems to appear in Nausicaa.

I like it because it has a fantasy and antique feel.

So, it was a record of the chocobo armor “Queen’s Guard Barding” of Bozjan’s “Delubrum Reginae”.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the armor!
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