This is a record of the Dark Knight’s two-handed sword, “Senor Sabotender’s Spiked Rod,” which can be obtained in the Gold Saucer.

Wow, I got a really fun great sword!

Great sword…

This is a very funny stick (?) that Cactuar is holding onto.

When you take aim, the Cactuar flips upside down and the blade rotates and lights up like a slot machine!

Wow, this is interesting!

The Cactuar is also brightly lit and blinks slowly as if breathing.

It’s a fun weapon, but it has spikes that fly out, so it seems like it might have a surprisingly high attack power?

Of all the Gold Saucer weapons, isn’t this the item with the most gimmick?

It’s what they call an odd weapon, but I think it suits Norirow-san well.

Hmm? Is that a compliment? Is it okay to be happy about it?

The Senor Sabotender’s Spiked Rod can be obtained at the Gold Saucer for 100,000 MGP.

I recorded a video of it spinning and glowing!
So that concludes my record of the Gold Saucer’s Dark Knight weapon, “Senor Sabotender’s Spiked Rod“!

But this one is pretty cute and practical, so I actually like it!