This is a summary record of all job AF4 equipment.
※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation for Lv80 artifact equipment, which means “special equipment unique to each job”. The artifact equipment is a milestone and a special outfit with a fairly elaborate design. (AF4 is a costume for SHADOWBRINGERS)

Yay! I’ve always dreamed of wearing AF equipment for all jobs! Finally my dream has come true!
You took a lot of time, it’s been almost a year since you came up with it.

Because of this, I started by raising the level 💦
These can be obtained at Tempest’s Workbench as you progress through the SHADOWBRINGERS story.
These cannot be dyed, but a version that can be dyed with “Memoria Misera (Extreme)” is available.
Then, the AF4 equipment of each job looks like this …
Paladin’s AF4 equipment is a refreshing knight costume that has evolved orthodoxly!

The deforming shield is cool!
After all, “feathers” are the motif.

Paladin AF4 “Chevalier” series
- 【Head】Weathered Chevalier’s Temple Chain
- 【Body】Weathered Chevalier’s Cuirass
- 【Hands】Weathered Chevalier’s Gauntlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Chevalier’s Poleyns
- 【Feet】Weathered Chevalier’s Sollerets
- 【Sword】Sequence
- 【Shield】Srivatsa
▼ Details are recorded here
The AF4 equipment of the warrior is a wild costume like a nomad.

You don’t look good on that hat at all.

Warrior AF4 “Boii” series
- 【Head】Weathered Boii Burgeonet
- 【Body】Weathered Boii Tunic
- 【Hands】Weathered Boii Gauntlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Boii Brais
- 【Feet】Weathered Boii Boots
- 【Weapon】Chango
▼ Details are recorded here
Dark Knight
Equipped with the Dark Knight AF4, which is the costume worn by the main character in the opening movie of Shadowbringers.

Norirow-san … The helmet doesn’t suit you. Rather, it looks like a suspicious person.

Ugh 💦 But you see, if I take off my helmet, I’m cool, right?
Dark Knight AF4 “Bale” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Bale Burgeonet
- 【Body】Weathered Bale Cuirass
- 【Hands】Weathered Bale Gauntlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Bale Flanchard
- 【Feet】Weathered Bale Sollerets
- 【Weapon】Shadowbringer
▼ Details are recorded here
This is the first AF equipment for the Gunbreaker that appeared in the Shadowbringers edition. It’s the same as Thancred is wearing.

I used to be a gun breaker longing for Thancred.
Because you are simple.

Gunbreaker AF “Bodyguard” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Bodyguard’s Blinder
- 【Body】Weathered Bodyguard’s Coat
- 【Hands】Weathered Bodyguard’s Fingerless Gloves
- 【Legs】Weathered Bodyguard’s Trousers
- 【Feet】Weathered Bodyguard’s Thighboots
- 【Weapon】Lion Heart
▼ Details are recorded here
White Mage
AF4 costume of a white mage who is neat and cute like a nun.

This is so cute!
Even though it’s neat clothes, it looks good even if you wear it.

White Mage AF4 “Ebers” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Ebers Hood
- 【Body】Weathered Ebers Robe
- 【Hands】Weathered Ebers Armlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Ebers Skirt
- 【Feet】Weathered Ebers Thighboots
- 【Weapon】Tishtrya
▼ Details are recorded here
The scholar AF4 is a cute and fashionable outfit that looks a bit like a military uniform.

I really like this costume!
It’s a cute and cool piece of equipment.

Scholar AF4 “Arbatel” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Arbatel Mortarboard
- 【Body】Weathered Arbatel Cloak
- 【Hands】Weathered Arbatel Gloves
- 【Legs】Weathered Arbatel Bottoms
- 【Feet】Weathered Arbatel Thighboots
- 【Weapon】Physica
▼ Details are recorded here
Astrologian’s AF4 is a simple fortune teller costume with different colors of Urianger.

Urianger’s accessories are golden, and the weapon is AF2.
You’re a brilliant teacher.

Astrologian AF4 “Soothsayer” series
- 【Head】Weathered Soothsayer’s Turban
- 【Body】Weathered Soothsayer’s Chiton
- 【Hands】Weathered Soothsayer’s Armlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Soothsayer’s Skirt
- 【Feet】Weathered Soothsayer’s Sandals
- 【Weapon】Procyon
▼ Details are recorded here
Monk’s AF4 equipment is like an Indian Buddhist monk, and is a costume that looks like AF1 has evolved orthodoxly.

After all yellow feels like a monk.
This is a super simple weapon, and on the contrary, it is novel.

Monk AF4 “Bhikku” series
- 【Head】Weathered Bhikku Knotcap
- 【Body】Weathered Bhikku Cyclas
- 【Hands】Weathered Bhikku Gloves
- 【Legs】Weathered Bhikku Poleyns
- 【Feet】Weathered Bhikku Boots
- 【Weapon】Godhands
▼ Details are recorded here
The Dragoon AF4 is a costume that has evolved orthodoxly, but has been made lighter and seems to be easier to move than ever before.

The tail grows from the head and it’s cute.
If you don’t protect your shoulders, you’ll be killed.

Dragoon AF4 “Pteroslaver” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Pteroslaver Armet
- 【Body】Weathered Pteroslaver Mail
- 【Hands】Weathered Pteroslaver Gauntlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Pteroslaver Subligar
- 【Feet】Weathered Pteroslaver Greaves
- 【Weapon】Trishula
▼ Details are recorded here
Ninja’s AF4 equipment is a demon-faced light costume bearing the name of “Hattori”.

The hanging ribbon on the back is cute.
It may be the lightest ninja AF ever.

Ninja AF4 “Hattori” series
- 【Head】Weathered Hattori Somen
- 【Body】Weathered Hattori Chainmail
- 【Hands】Weathered Hattori Tekko
- 【Legs】Weathered Hattori Trousers
- 【Feet】Weathered Hattori Kyahan
- 【Weapon】Heishi Shorinken
▼ Details are recorded here
The Samurai AF4 is a cool outfit that looks like a combination of a kimono and a powered suit, which is a mix of Japanese and Western styles.

It’s a half-cyborg outfit!
What is a half cyborg …?

Samurai AF4 “Kasuga” series
- 【Head】Weathered Kasuga Hanbo
- 【Body】Weathered Kasuga Haori
- 【Hands】Weathered Kasuga Kote
- 【Legs】Weathered Kasuga Tsutsu-hakama
- 【Feet】Weathered Kasuga Zori
- 【Weapon】Dojikiri Yasutsuna
▼ Details are recorded here
The bard AF4 is a casual and cute outfit that looks like denim fabric.

this is! It can be very cute! !!
The long muffler is fashionable.

Bard AF4 “Fili” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Fili Chapeau
- 【Body】Weathered Fili Gilet
- 【Hands】Weathered Fili Armlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Fili Bottoms
- 【Feet】Weathered Fili Shoes
- 【Weapon】Fail-Not
▼ Details are recorded here
AF4 of the Machinist is a fashionable costume like a Western gunman!

Wow! This is a super cool outfit!
Certainly this is pretty fashionable and nice.

Machinist AF4 “Gunslinger” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Gunslinger’s Hat
- 【Body】Weathered Gunslinger’s Coat
- 【Hands】Weathered Gunslinger’s Halfgloves
- 【Legs】Weathered Gunslinger’s Bottoms
- 【Feet】Weathered Gunslinger’s Thighboots
- 【Weapon】Fomalhaut
▼ Details are recorded here
This is the first AF equipment for the dancer that appeared in the Shadowbringers edition. A costume with a peacock motif.

I think you should hide your stomach.

Ugh 💦
Dancer AF4 “Dancer” series
- 【Head】Weathered Dancer’s Headdress
- 【Body】Weathered Dancer’s Casaque
- 【Hands】Weathered Dancer’s Armlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Dancer’s Bottoms
- 【Feet】Weathered Dancer’s Shoes
- 【Weapon】Krishna
▼ 詳しくはこちらに記録しています
Black Mage
AF4 of the black mage is a chic and fashionable witch costume.

I’m glad that all the AF equipment of the black mage is cute!
The one for women is more cute.

Black Mage AF4 “Wicce” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Wicce Petasos
- 【Body】Weathered Wicce Coat
- 【Hands】Weathered Wicce Wrist Torque
- 【Legs】Weathered Wicce Bottoms
- 【Feet】Weathered Wicce Shoes
- 【Weapon】Khatvanga
▼ Details are recorded here
The summoner’s AF4 equipment is a cute unicorn costume that retains the image of a traditional summoner.

The collar is really cute, isn’t it?
It feels like AF1 has evolved orthodoxly.

Summoner AF4 “Beckoner” series
- 【Head】Weathered Beckoner’s Horn
- 【Body】Weathered Beckoner’s Coat
- 【Hands】Weathered Beckoner’s Fingerless Gloves
- 【Legs】Weathered Beckoner’s Sarouel
- 【Feet】Weathered Beckoner’s Crakows
- 【Weapon】Meteorologica
▼ Details are recorded here
Red Mage
The AF4 equipment of the Red Mage has become a fairly elaborate costume while evolving orthodoxly.

Wow, this is also a super cool outfit!
The design of the left shoulder on the back is very distinctive, isn’t it?

Red Mage AF4 “Estoqueur” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Estoqueur’s Tricorne
- 【Body】Weathered Estoqueur’s Bliaud
- 【Hands】Weathered Estoqueur’s Gloves
- 【Legs】Weathered Estoqueur’s Bottoms
- 【Feet】Weathered Estoqueur’s Thighboots
- 【Weapon】Aeneas
▼ Details are recorded here
Video summary
Please check the video to see the movement of each fabric!

All the AF equipment is really nice, and just because you want to wear it, it has a charm that makes you want to try that job.
You have to practice to master all the jobs properly.

Uh, yeah 💦
So, the above is a summary of AF4 equipment for all jobs.
For your reference.