This is a record of the bard’s AF4 equipped “Fili” series.
※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation for Lv80 artifact equipment, which means “special equipment unique to each job”. The artifact equipment is a milestone and a special outfit with a fairly elaborate design. (AF4 is a costume for SHADOWBRINGERS)

Wow, this is also very fashionable and cute!

The taste has changed from AF3, but this is definitely cute.

The overall material is denim-like, with the image of a casual fashionable hunter.

Bard AF4 “Fili” Series
- 【Head】Weathered Fili Chapeau
- 【Body】Weathered Fili Gilet
- 【Hands】Weathered Fili Armlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Fili Bottoms
- 【Feet】Weathered Fili Shoes
- 【Weapon】Fail-Not
These can be obtained at Tempest’s Workbench as you progress through the SHADOWBRINGERS story.
The hat is also very cute with a unique design.

There is something like a big ribbon on the back.

The wings are also growing in all directions and are unique!

The torso equipment is a casual vest with a characteristic muffler.

A necklace is also included. The gold accessories here and there are cute.

If you look closely, do you wear your vest naked?

It’s pretty difficult and fashionable 💦
And above all, the long muffler that hangs behind this is very fashionable!

The equipment of the hand is asymmetric, the left hand is a long glove with arms, and the right hand is an accessory and a short glove.

Looking closer, is this corduroy instead of denim?

It looks warm even in winter!
It’s sleeveless, right?

The embroidery of the white bird on the thigh is also a cute point.

It also has a short knife.

These cannot be dyed, but a version that can be dyed with “Memoria Misera (Extreme)” is available.

Following AF3, the bard’s AF equipment is just cute and sly!

sly ? Why don’t you practice the bard too?

Yeah, that’s right 💦

So, it was a record of the bard’s AF4 equipment “Fili” series.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the fabric!