This is a record of the warrior’s AF4 equipped “Boii” series.
※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation for Lv80 artifact equipment, which means “special equipment unique to each job”. The artifact equipment is a milestone and a special outfit with a fairly elaborate design. (AF4 is a costume for SHADOWBRINGERS)

Oh, this is also a wild costume.

Norirow-san, what’s the matter … I don’t think it suits you best of all the warrior AF costumes I’ve ever had.

eh! ?? 💦
Warrior AF4 “Boii” series
- 【Head】Weathered Boii Burgeonet
- 【Body】Weathered Boii Tunic
- 【Hands】Weathered Boii Gauntlets
- 【Legs】Weathered Boii Brais
- 【Feet】Weathered Boii Boots
- 【Weapon】Chango
These can be obtained at Tempest’s Workbench as you progress through the SHADOWBRINGERS story.
The head equipment is a leather helmet that is guarded to the chin.

It has a very special shape.

As you can see from the top, it spreads like a fan at the back of the head and the back is thicker.

I wonder if the helmet doesn’t look good on me …?
When I take off my helmet, it looks like this.

The torso equipment is a tunic with a wide open collar.

It seems that bore leather is stretched over the chainmail.

The hand is a gauntlet that looks like a warrior’s AF equipment. You can attack with your arm.

Warriors use a beating attack called “Upheaval”.

The feet also have a unique shape.

There is also a small axe behind.

Is this for throwing?

These cannot be dyed, but a version that can be dyed with “Memoria Misera (Extreme)” is available.

It’s a nomadic outfit, isn’t it? I seem to live in the Azim Steppe.
I think the name comes from the ancient Roman tribe “Boii”.

After all, I don’t think you look good in wild costumes. (Because you are weak)

Σ(゚д゚lll)Garn (I heard something secretly 💦)

So, it was a record of the warrior’s AF4 (Lv80) equipment “Boii” series.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the fabric!