This is a record of the Samurai AF4 equipped “Kasuga” series.
※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation for Lv80 artifact equipment, which means “special equipment unique to each job”. The artifact equipment is a milestone and a special outfit with a fairly elaborate design. (AF4 is a costume for SHADOWBRINGERS)

Wow, it’s a Japanese-Western eclectic half cyborg kimono.

What is a half cyborg kimono?

It looks like a samurai that has only been half remodeled by magic science, doesn’t it? 💦

Samurai AF4 “Kasuga” series
- 【Head】Weathered Kasuga Hanbo
- 【Body】Weathered Kasuga Haori
- 【Hands】Weathered Kasuga Kote
- 【Legs】Weathered Kasuga Tsutsu-hakama
- 【Feet】Weathered Kasuga Zori
- 【Weapon】Dojikiri Yasutsuna
These can be obtained at Tempest’s Workbench as you progress through the SHADOWBRINGERS story.
Head equipment is a large mouth-like armor that guards only the chin.

This looks like a demon’s mouth.

The right half of the torso is like modern armor, and the left half is a Japanese kimono.

It’s more like a powered suit than modern armor.

Looking from the back, you can see that the kimono has a very special cutting.

There is a crescent moon mark on the collar.

The pattern of the obi is a little cute.

The arm equipment is a modern gauntlet that seems to be quite strong.

The leg equipment is also like a powered suit, but the foot equipment is sandals and the toes are visible. Somehow that gap is fashionable in a sense.

At first glance, it looks like I’m wearing crochet boots.

On the left side of the kimono, there is a three-dimensional decoration like three arrows.

Seen from behind, it is a genuine kimono.

These cannot be dyed, but a version that can be dyed with “Memoria Misera (Extreme)” is available.

Seen from the right, it looks like a servog and looks cool!

It ’s a very special samurai equipment.

I thought AF3 was a pure kimono and cute, but it has evolved into a special equipment with a lot of coolness!

So, it was a record of the Samurai AF4 equipment “Kasuga” series.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the fabric!