This is the record of the Astrologian’s Manderville weapons First Form, Manderville Torquetum.

Oh, that’s a very stylish celestial globe.

It feels traditional.

It is beautiful that purple color is used with black as the base.

This black is so dark that it stands out even when wearing black clothes.

I wonder if it’s a night image.

Is the upper design a starry sky? The first star is beautiful.

The lower part is decorated with laurel and protruding red needles.

And this scarf-like cloth decoration is characteristic.

Dyed pattern
Part of the fabric and the inner ring is dyed.
Original Color

Snow White

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

This “Manderville Torquetum” will be available soon if you progress the story of Manderville weapons (derived from Hildibrand Adventures).

It would be so beautiful if it lit up.

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s all for the record of the Astrologian’s Manderville weapons, Stage 1 “Manderville Torquetum“.

Godbert’s sense is very good!