This is a record of the samurai’s AF4 equipment (Lv80 artifact equipment) “Kasuga” series.

My samurai has also reached Lv80!

Oh, Noriko-chan is getting stronger and stronger…

Samurai AF4 equipment
- 【Head】Weathered Kasuga Hanbo
- 【Body】Weathered Kasuga Haori
- 【Hands】Weathered Kasuga Kote
- 【Legs】Weathered Kasuga Tsutsu-hakama
- 【Feet】Weathered Kasuga Zori
- 【Weapon】Dojikiri Yasutsuna
These will become available elsewhere as you progress through the Shadowbringers story.

The head equipment is a rather characteristic mask.

Is this… a shark’s mouth?
And the torso equipment is also quite unusual design.

It’s kind of like a powered suit.

It feels like wearing a kimono over a powered suit.

The design of the obi is a little cute.

The hand equipment is quite a rugged gauntlet. Highly defensive.

There are three protruding accessories on the left side of the kimono.


The design of the sword is also characterized by the dragon’s mouth.

It’s Minamoto no Yorimitsu’s sword!

These cannot be dyed, but a version that can be dyed with “Memoria Misera (Extreme)” is available.

It’s not the kind of clothes Noriko-chan would normally wear, but it does look pretty strong.

Fufu, sometimes this kind of thing is good!

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the Samurai’s AF4 equipment “Kasuga” series record.

See You!