This is a record of the Black Mage’s weapon (Comedy Weapon) “Augmented Ignis Malus“.

Wow, I got a very cute staff♪

Street lights…maybe?

It looks like a lamp in a Western-style mansion, right?

The stylishly shaped lamp with blue cloth tied to it gives it a nice atmosphere.

The handle has numerous scratches that make it look like it has been used a lot.

A blue string is also tied to the end of the handle.

And when you set it up, a blue flame will light up!

Oh, it’s kind of swaying and mysterious, so nice!

Isn’t it the flame of the soul?

Eh, soul! ? 💦

The sparks are dancing around the lamp, but if you look closely, you can see that they are shaped like blue butterflies and are very cute.

Furthermore, this “Augmented Ignis Malus” can be obtained in exchange for Allagan tomestone Poetics in Radz-at-Han or Old Sharlayan.

By the way, this is also the work that won the grand prize in the weapons contest.

I see! I have to thank the person who designed it!

I recorded a video of the flickering flames!
So, this is the record of the Black Mage’s weapon “Augmented Ignis Malus“!

Thank you for coming up with such a wonderful weapon!