This is a record of all types of Black Mage’s Manderville Weapon (MW).

Oh, I liked the first rod, but I think I prefer the last one.
It’s a rare mechanical cane, and it’s definitely Norirow-san’s favorite.

So without further ado, here’s a summary of the Black Mage’s Manderville Weapons!
First stage: Manderville
The first form, “Manderville Rod,” is a luxurious and mysterious rod that is typical of a black mage!

Is that a monument to the sun at the top? nice!
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This may be inspired by space.

Second stage: Amazing
The second form, “Amazing Manderville Rod,” has the same design as the first form, but with the addition of a color-changing and glowing effect!

Oh, the three-dimensional effect is so cool!
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This feels like it’s gotten a little bigger.

Third stage: Majestic
The third form, “Majestic Manderville Staff“, has a different design and evolves into a dark glowing rod!

Wow, it turned out to be a devilish rod!
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It certainly looks a bit like the Demon King.

Final stage: Mandervillous
In its final form, the “Mandervillous Rod” has a completely different design and evolves into a mechanical, glowing rod!

Oh, I think the key-shaped rod is so cool that I like it!
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It’s a design that looks like something from Eureka Orthos .

Video recording
I recorded the glowing effect in a video!

I also like the sound of the final form when it’s ready!
All of them look great and can be matched with a variety of outfits.

So, this is a summary of all types of Black Mage Manderville weapons!