This is a record of the Black Mage’s AF2 (Lv60 artifact) weapon “Lunaris Rod” and the first stage of the Anima Weapon “Animated Lunaris Rod“.

Wow, it’s a cute crescent rod!

It’s a fairy tale rod.

Even when viewed from the front, the crescent moon that can be seen over the shoulder looks very cute.

Star decorations and green jewels are embedded in the crescent moon.

The tip of the handle is cute!

Is the tip of the handle the crescent moon and the sun?

And when you hold the rod, the crescent moon part shines faintly.

It’s fluffy and beautiful.

I don’t think it’s easy to see how it’s shining in the photos, so check it out in the video below!

The black mage AF2 weapon “Lunaris Rod” and the first stage Anima Weapon “Animated Lunaris Rod” have exactly the same design, but only the AF2 weapon can be dyed.

The AF2 weapon “Lunaris Rod” was obtained in exchange for the “Centurio Seal” at Ms. Yolaine in Foundation. The first stage of the anima weapon “Animated Lunaris Rod” can be obtained by advancing the story of the anima weapon.

This black mage’s AF2 clothes are also very cute, so it’s a really nice set!

The clothes are black, so a little fairy tale weapon can stand out more.

The black mage’s AF equipment has cute clothes and weapons, so I want to do my best and be able to master the black magic as soon as possible.

So, it was a record of the black mage’s AF2 weapon “Lunaris Rod” & Anima Weapon 1st stage “Animated Lunaris Rod“.
▼ Check out the video to see how the crescent moon shines!