This is a record of the fashionable antique chair mount “Archon Throne” that can be exchanged with the Gold Saucer MGP (750,000MGP).

This chair is so cute!

The legs are long and it seems difficult to sit down … Norirow-san’s legs are short, so it’s definitely out of reach.

Ugh 💦
It’s pretty sitting a little.

It has a very classic and antique design.

Cushioning seems to be high. Fluffy.

Something like crystals on both sides seems to have some magical power.

The legs are very long and pointed, and they are always floating.

It’s floating and amazing, it’s completely like a magician’s chair!

When it starts to move, it takes a slightly forward leaning posture, and the crystal is fluttering in the wind.

Despite claims that it was once the chair of Louisoix Leveilleur, former residents of Sharlayan have confirmed that it is naught more than an ordinary furnishing enchanted by a Great Gubal Library bibliophile who was tired of not being able to reach the upper shelves.
From the official mount commentary

Oh, there’s Louisoix’s name!

But it’s just a chair with long legs. lol

However, it seems that it is a chair of a Great Gubal Library derived from Sharlayan.

Let’s go to Sharlayan with this chair!
It came out! Simple thinking!

So, it was a record of the mount “Archon Throne” that can be exchanged with the Gold Saucer MGP.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the mount!