This is a record of the Ihuykatumu (91ID) warrior’s weapon, the Riversbreath Labrys.

Wow, I got something that looks like a Wuk Lamat axe!

It’s some kind of bony axe.

Huh? A bony axe?!

This is an axe with a rather wild, natural design.

What shape is that… Bahamut?

Isn’t it Valigarmanda?

It’s quite thick, so it’s more of an axe for crushing than cutting.

The material is… It looks like wood or stone, but is it really bone?

The metal and red bandages here and there add a nice accent.

By the way, Wuk Lamat’s axe is a little different.

Ah, you’re right! There are gold accessories, and the bandages and other things are a slightly different color.

Well, it’s for a princess, so it’s made to be a bit extravagant♪

Fufu, I see, so it’s the same axe as the Landsguard.

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes this record of the warrior weapon “Riversbreath Labrys” that can be obtained in Ihuykatumu!

I also like weapons with natural designs like this one.