This is a record of the ninja twin sword “Fae Knives” available at Dohn Mheg.

Oh, I got a very stylish knife!

It’s a different color than Kards.

From red to blue, the atmosphere has changed quite a bit.

Overall chic and stylish design.

When you hold it, the crystal part will light up and flash.

Flashing speed is very fast.

The tip of the handle looks a bit like a bird’s claw, but overall it’s somewhat plant-like.

I have a feeling that the part that shines is an image of a flower bud.

It feels like a jewel, though.

It has a deep-sea image and is somehow mysterious.

Dyeing Patterns
The color of the illuminated part changes.
Snow White

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Celeste Green

It looks surprisingly easy to match with various outfits.

Yeah, this is a really nice treasure♪

I recorded a video of the blinking!
So, that’s it for the record of the ninja weapon “Fae Knives” available at Dohn Mheg.

All of Dohn Mheg’s weapons are cute after all♪